Plan 9 from Bell Labs’s /usr/web/sources/plan9/386/include/ape/stdarg.h

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#ifndef __STDARG
#define __STDARG

typedef char *va_list;

#define va_start(list, start) list = (sizeof(start)<4 ? (char *)((int *)&(start)+1) : \
(char *)(&(start)+1))
#define va_end(list)
#define va_arg(list, mode)\
	((sizeof(mode) == 1)?\
		((list += 4), (mode*)list)[-4]:\
	(sizeof(mode) == 2)?\
		((list += 4), (mode*)list)[-2]:\
		((list += sizeof(mode)), (mode*)list)[-1])

#endif /* __STDARG */

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